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Knitting Fiction

Hats With Attitude Blog

January 16, 2023
Chapter 01: Irene, Threshold

She made The Mistake five years earlier. She learned of it when he carried her across the threshold and stood her in the arctic entry and she still in her full wedding regalia. The first blow landed on her left cheekbone because he is right-fisted. A few inches in one direction would have fractured her […]

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January 19, 2023
Chapter 02: Irene, The Meat Hammer

Not his favorite meal, but his third favorite meal. When she first took the job at the nursing home, just down the block, she’d arranged her work schedule for early morning shifts so that she could be home in time to prepare his dinners. So tonight will be his third favorite: cordon bleu, fresh steamed […]

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January 22, 2023
Chapter 03: Irene, The Black Hole

Living with him these past five years has taught her that Aunt Irene’s assessment of him is correct. He is wily enough to stay out of prison—but just barely. He is manipulative enough to earn some salesmen awards at the car dealership, but not smart enough to work his way up into management. He could […]

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January 28, 2023
Chapter 04: Irene, Fair Isle

Irene painstakingly cleans the meat hammer. Aunt Irene taught her how to use dish soap and a brush on the weighted aluminum, without letting any soap touch the ancient wooden handle. She places it upright, into the old stoneware crock that Aunt Irene willed to her, together with wooden spoons, pestle and knife sharpener. It […]

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March 10, 2024
Chapter 05: Deborah, The Long Silk Road

 Deborah buys the yarn on the day of her diagnosis. It is the most expensive yarn she has ever bought; even wholesale and un-dyed, it is $150 for ten skeins; and that's not even counting the cost of shipping to Alaska. But the cost must be borne because it is the perfect yarn for her […]

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March 10, 2024
Chapter 06: Deborah, Wonder Woman

 Deborah changes her mind. She has the ability to aim her mind where she chooses. If asked, she’d tell you it’s a gift, like her good head of hair and her show girl legs. And she has decided to change her mind. She will stop thinking about Brave New World and breast cancer. Instead, she […]

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March 10, 2024
Chapter 07: Deborah, The Knight

  Deborah cannot completely close her hospital gown. She holds the edges together. One hand above, and one hand below the two wires, each about six inches long, that protrude from her left breast. Deeper even than pain, is her shame. She is in a wheelchair, sitting next to the hospital information desk. It’s a […]

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March 10, 2024
Chapter 08: Deborah, Dye Day

CHAPTER 8: Deborah, Dye Day Deborah is sleeping. She lies on her back. Her mother, warm and solid, lies in the bed beside her, and facing her so that mother can watch over sleeping daughter.  Deborah keeps herself quiet and does not open her eyes. She allows herself the pleasure of knowing she is being […]

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March 10, 2024
Chapter 09: Deborah, Revenge

Deborah sinks down and heavy into the shop’s recliner. Her right hand makes an empty swipe for a handle that is not there. She reminds herself that this is not her home recliner. She places her hands on the arms of the chair, and with all of her strength, pushes back, forcing the back of […]

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March 10, 2024
Chapter 10: Deborah
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